South Sudanese girls meet up

A South Sudanese student in Mount Kigali university, Siama chan Deng hosted a girls programs for introduction for the new students and the purpose of 9th July which was the independent day 13 years anniversary of South Sudan.

The marketing department of the university provided university T-shirts to the girls who were part of the program. This was a way of supporting the students and also promoting the university as videos were shot in the school’s compound.

The students had a great time overall as they shared drinks, cut a cake and engaged with one another through different stories. 

The host of the girls program Siam Chan Deng encouraged her fellows to even work harder in terms of academic 

“ We came in Rwanda to study, let’s avoid the things of tribalism, let’s unite and work hard academically so that when we go back we will make our country proud and better”. She said

Photos provided by Siama 


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