A beginning of a new decade

Carnegie Mellon University Africa’s 11th Graduation

May 12th 2024 Marked the 11th graduation ceremony of Carnegie Mellon University Africa’s cohort. The 11th cohort was special as it is yet it’s biggest, number wise and marks the beginning of a decade of expansion. 

Source: CMU-Africa Flicker

The ceremony consisted of different speakers among them, the Minister in charge of Education Hon. Gaspard Twagirayezu who thanked the graduates for their firm commitment to hard work and excellence. He Reminded them that they are the future of Africa’s tech sector and that their success will in return be the success of the whole continent as well. 

The day was marked with major highlights like the 2024 valedictorian speech which was inspirational to the whole gathering and an incredible gift to the new graduates entering the workforce. “You have excelled  in your studies the engineering way, Go forth and solve the world’s problems the engineering way!” said Chukwuemeka from Nigeria.

Class of 2024 valedictorian Chwukuemeka 

The day was filled with joyous graduates and their loved ones who cheered as the names were called up one by one as the graduates waved and posed for the everlasting memorable shots. 

The 11th cohort of Carnegie Mellon University Africa


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