Inside the math club

 Mathematics and Statistics Students’ Association of Rwanda (MSAR) is an association for  students studying mathematics and statistics at the UR-CST.

This association was created by the students themselves with a purpose of creating a supportive environment to help them excel in their academic studies and prepare their careers as mathematicians and statisticians. 


This association meets every Tuesday evening, to share and learn both soft and hard skills including programming languages such as Python, R needed by mathematicians. They also do some MSAR QUIZZES and MSAR fun games as a way of relaxing and boosting friendship among them.




MSAR members also go for some study visits in different institutions to learn from their elders  how they apply mathematics and statistics in those institutions.

We believe that mathematics and statistics are the keys to the door of understanding the world”, Peace Ishimwe the president of MSAR said. 

“As mathematicians we are the ones to prove this and we believe that we can do it by working together”. She added.


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